Más que una escuela de cine

Create films commissioned for TV.

Learn in a genuine industry environment.

Work with a real production company.

Más que una pasantía

Rigorous training in all aspects of production

Hands on experience on all production tasks

A full co-directorial role.

Real decision making, real responsibilities.

Your future in the film industry

Get the professional training, credit and experience you need to become an industry professional.

INto INdustry graduates find jobs at top media Organisations such as the BBC and Al Jazeera.

Make films that matter to you

OTOXO Productions realiza documentales para dar voz a voces que no se escuchan y arrojar luz sobre rostros invisibles. El programa INto INdustry ofrece a jóvenes motivados socialmente la oportunidad de unirse a OTOXO para cumplir ese objetivo. Para cualquiera que desee una carrera en la que pueda marcar la diferencia y compartir mensajes sociales importantes, el programa INto INdustry es el lugar perfecto para comenzar.





6 + 12 =

“The INto INdustry programme provided me with all the required knowledge and experience to work alongside some of the world’s top documentary producers at the BBC in Bristol. Not only did it give me technical knowledge in terms of camera skills and editing, it also provided me with confidence to find great stories which I have utilised in my role in the Development team at the Natural History Unit.”

Bertie Alison

Investigador, Unidad de Historia Natural de la BBC

“En pocas palabras, el Programa INto INdustry me brindó las habilidades, la experiencia y la confianza que necesitaba para convertirme en el profesional de la industria cinematográfica que soy hoy”.

Cristiana Hessing

Productor / Director, Producciones Willis Sweete

“The INto INdustry programme is a fantastic starting point for any aspiring documentary filmmakers. it covered all aspects of the filmmaking process and gave me the practical skills needed to self-shoot & and produce – essential in the industry today. John and Tom have a great knowledge of filmmaking, and more importantly they have first-hand experience working in the industry, meaning that everything I learnt was relevant and applicable.”
Robert Pyburn

Reporter and Video Editor, Fundación Wickers World

Ubicación: Barcelona

Una de las ciudades más inspiradoras y dinámicas del mundo, con una película sin rodar en cada esquina.

Base de producción

Our production base is a hub of audiovisual innovation and creativity right in the heart of the city.

Co-Direct a Real Production with the INto INdustry Programme